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Bioesthetic Dentistry

Bioesthetic Dentistry Excellence

What Is Bioesthetic Dentistry?

Though we may not recognize it, our ideals of beauty are grounded in images of good health. What looks strong and healthy, and is in optimal biological condition, is also what we find attractive. On a subconscious level, we recognize that good health is indicative of a better quality of life and is therefore more desirable. Bioesthetic Dentistry is based on these same concepts and the idea that when the dental elements are in optimal health according to their natural biological form, patients feel better, look better, and are able to live a more fulfilling life.

Revolutionizing Dental Care

Bioesthetic Dentistry for Tupelo Families & Individuals

Having a healthy smile is about more than just having whiter or straighter teeth. It’s also about having teeth that are the correct shape and come together, stable jaw joints, and a functional chewing system. That’s why we’re proud to offer Bioesthetic Dentistry for Tupelo families and individuals seeking true holistic wellness and optimal dental health. As Tupelo’s leading Bioesthetic Dentist, I am well-versed in a variety of Bioesthetic Dental Treatments and treat patients of all ages and levels of health. Whether you’re seeking relief from jaw pain, bite problems, TMJ/TMD symptoms, airway issues, cosmetic concerns, or worn down, damaged, or missing teeth, I am here to help!

Bioesthetic Rejuvenation Process

For many years, the goal of traditional dentistry was to evaluate and resolve pathology to prevent the progression of disease. While this was effective in reducing symptoms, it largely resulted in a sort of spot treatment. Thanks to the rise of Bioesthetic Dentistry, modern Dentists are now more concerned with the health of the dental system as a whole. Instead of concentrating intensely on disease, the focus is now on health. By operating from a more holistic perspective and taking the patient’s whole health into consideration as well as the long-term implications, we’re able to break the disease cycle and generate better, longer-lasting results. The goal of Bioesthetic Rejuvenation is to restore the health and harmony of the entire dental system, including the teeth, gums, jaw joints, chewing muscles, bite, and jaw bone.

The Bioesthetic Rejuvenation Process Is Four Phases of Treatment:


The process begins with an initial assessment and X-rays. I will evaluate your health based on X-ray images of your facial bones, jaw joints, head, and neck. I may also use specialized equipment to further investigate the health of the chewing system and analyze your teeth and facial alignment.


Based on the results of your assessment, I may consult with other industry experts to gain a better understanding of the situation. We work with a network of trusted and vetted professionals in the Tupelo area including orthodontists, surgeons, and specialists.


If you have a “bad bite” or a misaligned jaw, then I may recommend Bite Splint Therapy as part of your treatment. You will wear a special occlusal device known as a MAGO (Maxillary Anterior Guided Orthotic) for a set period of time, ranging from two to four months.


The last phase of the process is to restore the dental anatomy to optimal biological form. I accomplish this by reshaping the biting surfaces of the teeth. Based on your situation, I may recommend certain restorative or cosmetic procedures to reshape your teeth.

Origin & History of Bioesthetic Dentistry

The scientist who is attributed to the formation of Bioesthetic Dentistry as a branch of Dentistry and effective treatment protocol is Dr. Robert Lee, DDS of California. In 1978, Dr. Lee set out on a mission to conduct a series of research studies on a group of patients whom he deemed had optimal dental health. He realized that these patients had perfect dentitions and showed little or no signs of infectious disease, even though many of them were of a mature age. He was curious to find out how they had remained so healthy and why, unlike many other patients, their teeth showed little or no signs of wear.

What Dr. Lee discovered was that these healthy patients had two major characteristics in common: (1) they all showed signs of having a stable temporomandibular joint (TMJ), free of deflections caused by pathologic contacts in the posterior teeth, and (2) their teeth were of perfect shape and form, which helped the chewing system and jaw function correctly.

Dr. Lee spent the next several years forming what we know today as the principles of Orognathic Bioesthetics. He shared his knowledge with dental health professionals all across the country and taught courses in occlusal diagnosis and full mouth rejuvenation. Eventually, his teachings became widely influential and inspired the work of Dr. Charles Wold. Dr. Wold went on to establish the OBI Foundation for Bioesthetic Dentistry, which is regarded today as one of the top-tier dental institutions in the world.


Origin & History of Bioesthetic Dentistry

The scientist who is attributed to the formation of Bioesthetic Dentistry as a branch of Dentistry and effective treatment protocol is Dr. Robert Lee, DDS of California. In 1978, Dr. Lee set out on a mission to conduct a series of research studies on a group of patients whom he deemed had optimal dental health. He realized that these patients had perfect dentitions and showed little or no signs of infectious disease, even though many of them were of a mature age. He was curious to find out how they had remained so healthy and why, unlike many other patients, their teeth showed little or no signs of wear.

What Dr. Lee discovered was that these healthy patients had two major characteristics in common: (1) they all showed signs of having a stable temporomandibular joint (TMJ), free of deflections caused by pathologic contacts in the posterior teeth, and (2) their teeth were of perfect shape and form, which helped the chewing system and jaw function correctly.

Dr. Lee spent the next several years forming what we know today as the principles of Orognathic Bioesthetics. He shared his knowledge with dental health professionals all across the country and taught courses in occlusal diagnosis and full mouth rejuvenation. Eventually, his teachings became widely influential and inspired the work of Dr. Charles Wold. Dr. Wold went on to establish the OBI Foundation for Bioesthetic Dentistry, which is regarded today as one of the top-tier dental institutions in the world.

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